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Uplifting Change

May 5, 2016 Andrew Freedman

43CS8956You know the people in your life who just light you up in an amazing way? Whether you are with them face-to-face, on the phone, via skype, texting, or communicating via social media, they just lift your spirits and inspire you?

I’m grateful to have many of those folks in my life. Believe it or not, this is actually something I do very intentionally, and I think you might as well. Our community; our network; our peer group – we must be very deliberate in who surrounds us, as that has a massive impact on how we think, act, create, and give.

The other day, I had lunch with one of these types of people whom I’m describing; and, as I could have predicted, I found myself uplifted in so many ways (which is interesting, because I’m usually at a 10 on the scale of drive, positivity, and inspiration, as it is). We were talking about personal and professional growth, achievement, life goals – all of which are things we love sharing about, and which we noodle often. One part of our conversation stood out to me so much that I was driven to share it with you.

She said (and this is a quote from Marianne Williamson), “The only thing lacking in a given situation is what you are not giving.” I don’t know about you, but that was so powerful and totally resonated with me. With more times than I can count, I have students, clients, acquaintances, former colleagues – express what is lacking in their world. Often, this has to do with their current career. Things like:

• Their boss doesn’t hear their input

• They don’t receive the promotion (or, aren’t even in consideration)

• They are left out of certain projects or strategic discussions

• They lack visibility into how certain decisions are made

• They have no voice when it comes to improvement in the workplace (process, team performance, leadership feedback)

Any of this sound familiar?

The counsel I typically give, and this is why my friend’s sharing this quote struck a chord with me, includes things like:

• What have you done to change the situation or condition you describe?

• What are you going to do to change the situation or condition you describe?

• How have you shared your perspective or input with (fill in the blank with the key person/persons with whom interaction should occur)?

• Have you done EVERYTHING that you possibly can to bring positive change to this person/situation?

While these questions do get people to reflect and consider things differently, I find the Williamson quote even more powerful.

Think about:

• Sales growth

• Operational excellence

• Client experience

• Leadership cohesion

• Communication and collaboration

• Project management excellence

Given any circumstance, outcome or situation, who are you being, and what are you giving (or not) to create positive change?

Imagine – if every person in your organization asked herself/himself this question, and then took ACTION. How much more would each individual/team/business unit/organization THRIVE in their mission and vision?

Andrew Freedman, Principal at entreQuest, specializes in helping eQ’s clients grow by creating well aligned company cultures and strategies that result in remarkable client and employee experiences.

TOPICS: High Performance, Business Growth, Employee Engagement