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How to Easily Navigate Basic Interview Questions

May 5, 2016 Jessica Drew

QuestionsIf you find yourself interviewing with someone, and don’t have a personal connection, it’s important that you are prepared to differentiate yourself from the competition. Here are some basic interview questions that we often see candidates have a difficult time answering:

• Tell me about yourself – This is the time to tell your story and make yourself stand out in less than 3 minutes. Find a way to give insight into your character, as well as your professional experience. People want to work with people they like, so give them an opportunity to see a glimpse of what you enjoy doing outside of the workspace. Do you volunteer, play sports, have a unique hobby, or did you maybe have a life changing experience which in-turn affected your professional life? This is the time to share.

• Why did you leave – People want to understand your motivations for leaving a job. I’m sure you have read plenty of articles that tell you not to bash former employers, this is sound advice; but, it is OK to say that the culture was not in line with your values. Be prepared to have examples if this is your route. Maybe you left a position to care for someone, don’t be afraid to be transparent, it adds to your character. When you are telling your story it’s helpful to include these reasons. Plus, it makes it less repetitive for someone, so they don’t have to ask the same question for every position you discuss.

• What did you do for said Company – Think of the STAR model when talking about your experience. The word STAR stands for Situation, Task, Action, and Result. If you can use all four when explaining your experiences, you demonstrate an ability to identify a need, create strategy and, implement a plan to produce a result.

• Why would you like to work here – This is your opportunity to demonstrate that you have researched the company and truly have a passion about their organization. Does the company partner with the community, have they been in the news for recent accomplishments, are there fantastic reviews on Glassdoor or LinkedIn? Anyone can go to the website and say they like the industry, or have heard good things, but if you can make a connection that resonates beyond the surface, you are sure to stand out.

Preparation is the key to having a successful interview. Come prepared with at least 6 questions, multiple copies of your resume, and a pad for taking notes. Craft out your answers to these common questions and you will have more confidence during the process. Good luck!


As Talent Acquisition Manager, Jessica focuses on finding the right candidates to fit our clients’ needs. She works with our clients to understand the exact skills and attributes that would fit with the cultural climate and their environment.

TOPICS: High Performance, Business Growth, Employee Engagement