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The Only Trick You'll Ever Need to Crush an Interview

May 5, 2016 SHIFT


Recently I revisited Simon Sinek’s “Start with Why” video.

If you have not watched this video, do yourself a favor and watch it!

Watching the video made me realize I ask candidates the question “why?” … a lot! More importantly, the video made me ask myself, why do I ask why? During the talk, Sinek discusses the importance of, and the different layers of, “What, How, and Why.”

As a recruiter, many candidates know what type of job they do or do not want, how they are or are not a good fit for the role, but the best candidates tell you why. In the video Sinek says we need start with why, because, “People don’t buy what you do; people buy why you do it.” When you start with why, people become immediately more interested in what you have to say.

Here a few tips to help candidates on starting with their “why”:

• Know the reason why you are looking for a new job. Typically, it takes a change in your current company, leadership, or the entire role, in order for you to want to switch jobs. Make sure there is another reason besides just salary and benefits for wanting to switch jobs.

• Be prepared to know why you want to work at a specific company. In many client/candidate interviews you will be asked, “Why do you want to work for our company?” While this seems like an easy question to answer, many candidates do not do the proper homework to understand exactly why they want to change jobs.

• Start to understand why you would be a good fit in a particular role. This is similar to the features and benefits of your skillset. Clients want to know the benefit of you being in a position with them; they’re looking to discover why they should hire you.

Reflecting on all of this, I realized all these questions help me understand if a candidate is the right fit for the role. These questions provide me with way more information than I can get from your skillset or years of experience. “Why” helps me put a quality candidate with a quality job, not just any candidate in any job.

I’ll leave you with one piece of advice, the next time you speak with a recruiter, know your “why” and be prepared to answer.

TOPICS: Talent Brand, Employee Engagement