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Stop Feeding and Start Fueling: Your Guide to Personal High-Performance

March 9, 2017 Andrew Freedman

 “I never realized how stuck I was, until I wasn’t.”

In our consulting business, we work with some of the best, brightest, and most high performing people on the planet (clients, partners, and colleagues). We help the best become even better – at an individual, team, and organizational level.


Given the company we keep, it may surprise you to know that we often hear our clients say things similar to the quote at the top of this blog. Yes, even the best of the best sometimes get stuck, hit plateaus, and possess areas for improvement.

We appreciate when our clients share that we’ve helped them get unstuck, that we’ve helped them hit that next gear in higher levels of performance, and that we’ve helped them accomplish the things they never thought possible. 

Because we know that YOU also desire to give more, be more, and do more, we are going to share some of our high-performance blueprint with you here.

The overarching concept to this part of the blueprint is this: are you ALL-IN in taking your performance to a higher level or are you just going through the motions?

As an example, think of your body as a high-performance machine. If you were really ALL-IN to fueling that machine, what would you feed into it?  For optimum high-performance, I’m sure you’d stay away from the junk that makes your system sluggish, dulls your thinking, and diminishes your energy.

So, when it comes to high-performance, are you fueling your system or just feeding it?

Check out 3 ways you can “fuel up” to accelerate and amplify your levels of success:

  • Stimulate your brain. As a high performer, you need to outthink, outhustle, and outwork your competition. This doesn’t mean you need to work longer and harder – just more effectively. One way to do this is by having a continuous learning mindset. Consume content voraciously – focusing on topics that will help you elevate your game. Each of us have finite time and energy – carve out a little time each week to invest in incrementally studying subjects or mastering skills that will create a performance lift for you. Whether it be a few industry articles, videos, periodical subscription, or an online classa little here and there can really add up over time.
  • Trim the unhealthy fat. Maybe this sounds harsh, but you may be spending time with people who are not making you better (you may have heard us say before that you are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with). Who are the “energy vampires?” Who are the people that nourish your soul? A rule of thumb to consider: those who are not actively invested in your success do not get your time – at least not if you are serious about being your very best.
  • Put yourself in a position to WIN. This is a mustno question about it. Get enough sleep (evaluate your sleep patterns and what helps you achieve your best z’s), eat what fuels you (stay away from eating or drinking to excess when stress elevates), practice mindfulness (meditate, practice yoga, journal, or just sit in a quiet place to think), and exercise on a regular basis (aim to break a sweat).

These 3 elements are critical in our blueprint to creating a higher-performing you.

Are you ALL-IN to fueling yourself rather than just feeding it? There is no better time than NOW to start committing to a higher-performing you.

Do you have a strategy to help you fuel up that we didn’t mention?  Share in the commentswe’d love to hear what works for you.

TOPICS: High Performance