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Why Your Fans Are Dying for You to Roll up Your Sleeves and Start Writing More Than Ever

May 5, 2016 Jessica Drew



If you are reading this, my guess is there’s a good chance this is not the first blog you have read from eQ, thanks for following us! We get a lot of feedback from our network that our blogs are great resources for professionals looking for insight or advice in the workplace. People have even reported that it helps them find a balance in their personal lives. It’s been a steady few months for eQ in publishing blogs and we make an effort to keep our material fresh and exciting.

Here are a few reasons why we feel blogging is important for our organization, and how it may benefit your company to do the same:

• Share perceptive. Everyone on our staff brings a unique background to the team. We have a teacher, yoga instructor, animal healer, lawyer, gearhead, star athletes, neurocoach...and the list goes on. We all bring a different perspective on the world, but share a common interest, growing talent. Our #dailycommitmenttogreatness focuses on empowering others to be at the top of their game personally and professionally.

• Give back. We are so thankful for each opportunity that a partner provides us, we want to share what we learn. There are common themes in the work we do, but every project offers some uniqueness. Why not share with our network the things that made us and others successful? If it weren’t for our network of trusted allies we wouldn’t be growing as a company.

• Branding. To be an elite, dynamic, kick a$$ and authentic company we have to be bold. We need to differentiate ourselves from other talent consulting firms. Our blogs cover a variety of topics that often times highlight the elephant in the room. Hopefully through reading our content you have insight into who we are as a company, and our story and what we value.

• Interactive. Our blogs create interest, and people want to talk about topics we hit. It’s a great way to share connections with clients and engage in conversations that may not have happened otherwise.

• It’s fun. Who doesn’t love to read content that their team puts out? Getting to see someone’s creative impact only makes us a closer work family. Sharing pride in the work of others is exciting!

So if you are looking for a way to add creativity into your organization, challenge your team to start writing! Give them topics as starting points and offer some proofreading. We love producing content at eQ and hope you do as well!

TOPICS: Business Growth, Employee Engagement