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How to Fearlessly Infuse Happiness Directly Into Your Bloodstream In the Next 3 Minutes

November 21, 2016 Liz Eskenazi


I didn’t know my 1-year-old son could speak foreign languages.

Today, my nanny shared with me that Jack’s word of the day was “gracias.”

He doesn’t pronounce the word perfectly. It doesn’t roll off the tongue like you or I are used to hearing it. After all, he’s only a year old. But, he does utter a three-syllable sound, make eye contact, and accept whatever is being passed to him with a big smile. It’s not random, it’s not occasional, and it’s not rare; and he’ll repeat “gracias” if you don’t nod your head yes that you heard him.

His genuine gesture is a reminder of just how easily the words “gracias” or “thank you” can become part of our everyday vocabulary, if we choose to let them. And Jack’s radiant smile after he offers his thanks is a powerful lesson of how good it feels to be able to offer a small act of appreciation to someone, and have them acknowledge our gift.

When was the last time you said thank you and truly meant it?

According to smart brain researchers, even small expressions of appreciation trigger a flood of serotonin into the brain—you know, the chemical that’s connected to a positive mood and overall mood balance?

What this means is that every single time you bestow even the smallest random act of kindness, you infuse this neurochemical cocktail directly into the bloodstream of another human. You’re reaching inside of them, improving their mood, and the trajectory of their day.

That’s only the start, though!

Not only does your kindness trigger this flood of happiness inside the recipient, but it also has the same effect inside YOU. In fact, any one who merely observes this kindness also has a triggered elevation in their serotonin level.

That’s a TRIFECTA of positive impact!

We’ve been working with our clients and our very own team to elevate personal performance, and this awareness of the power of gratitude is part of our work. Yup, you read that correctly – an authentic THANK YOU will change the engagement level between you and your clients, team members, and colleagues.

And when we change the work world, we change the real world.

This is BIG stuff (but simple). 
Now what?

Do the following 3 things:

  1. Take out a blank piece of paper (or open your favorite note-taking app) and write down the names of 5 people you’re thankful for, as well as why you’re grateful they’re in your life. Be sure to include at least one person from your work life, and at least one person from your personal life.
  2. Commit to saying thank you to them by the end of this week and tell them specifically what it is that you appreciate them for. If you’re feeling especially inspired, thank them today, before you go to sleep!
  3. Take note of the energy you get from this act.

Being thankful is transformative.

To this end, our entire SHIFT team thanks YOU. Every one of you.

Thank your curiosity. Thank you for welcoming us into your organizations and allowing us the opportunity to partner with you. We’re grateful we get to support your missions.

Happy Thanksgiving from Team SHIFT.

TOPICS: Employee Engagement