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Why Everything You Need to Know You Can Learn from My Uber Driver Hassan

May 5, 2016 Andrew Freedman

UberRecently, my wife, JoAnn, and I went to New Orleans for the Ravens/Saints game. We had a fantastic time with friends, the Ravens won, we ate great food, and soaked up many of the charms of the Big Easy (New Orleans is one of my favorite cities). I’ve got to say, though, one of my favorite parts of the trip was our Uber ride home from BWI. The ride home from the airport—my favorite part?

You read that right. Here’s why:

Whenever I get in an Uber or a cab (I don’t take cabs since Uber’s launch. Uber is by far a better experience), I make a point to ask the driver how her/his business is going, how life is progressing, and a bit about the driver’s view on the world. This will likely not surprise you: I love engaging with all people, and appreciate learning about their world, their perspective and how they think about the impact they have on those with whom they come in contact.

This driver, Hassan, started our ride home by answering my question about how his business is doing by sharing this sentiment with us: he believes that he has an amazing responsibility and opportunity—his passengers are so important to him, he said, because they all have somewhere important to go, people they love and who love them, who are counting on them. Hassan’s belief is that it is his charge to get these important people to their destination—safely, comfortably, with peace, and without stress.

He had a strong sense of gratitude about the opportunity he has to have the clients he does, to have the experiences this job brings, and to provide for his family in the fashion he can. To me, this is the ultimate in mindset and perspective—you may have heard the tale of the brick layer or cathedral builder. Hassan is definitely building cathedrals!

With you, we talk often of gratitude, and you know how passionate the eQ team is about what we do. We find fuel for our passions in many ways. This interaction with Hassan provides an example of what drives me: that in common and uncommon places, there are so many versions of Hassan—people who strive to give, share, provide, serve, and, through their positive contributions, to make our communities a better place to live. These are some of the attributes of clients with whom we aspire to work.

As you pave your path forward, we encourage you to nurture this part of your spirit and that of each of your team members. This sense of gratitude binds team members tighter, creates deep connections with clients, and will support the vision that you have for your self—both personally and professionally.

Bonus tip! 3 ways you can practice gratitude every day:

• Start your day by writing down 3 things in your life for which you are grateful

• Start your day by writing down 3 things that will make today an amazing day

• Make it a point to tell 3 people something you appreciate about them and how they contribute to your life


Andrew Freedman, Principal at entreQuest, specializes in helping eQ’s clients grow by creating well aligned company cultures and strategies that result in remarkable client and employee experiences.