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Can't Take That Call? Enhance Your Voicemail Greeting to Speak to Your Brand.

February 21, 2017 Emily Plahanski

Over the past several months, I’ve received applause for my blog, “The Death of the Traditional Out-of-Office,” recognizing its approach to changing what some may view as a mindless business behavior to one that is intentional and effective. Keeping consistent with mindfully modifying behaviors, let’s now take a look at another vital piece of your personal and professional brand – your voicemail recording.


I encourage you to call yourself and listen to your voicemail recording. If your voicemail greeting states your name, that you are not able to answer your phone, and a request to leave a name and number and assurance that you will call that person back; you are not alone.

Let’s face it, most people who leave a voicemail obviously want a call back and will automatically leave their name and number.  Those are givens.  Instead of prompting callers for something will do out of habit anyway, repurpose that valuable real estate in your voicemail greeting to add value, create memorable content, and inspire others. Let your personalized voicemail message speak to your brand and who you are as a professional.

Three steps to making your voicemail stand out:

  1. SMILE. No, you’re not taking a picture; however, you are leaving a recording.  People can FEEL when you are smiling on the other end of the phone. Don’t just take my word for it, try it out for yourself!
  2. PRACTICE. Recording your voicemail message may not come naturally, at first.  In fact, it may feel downright awkward! A great technique is to pretend as if someone is sitting in front of you and you’re speaking directly to them. Life is not scripted, and you’re not a robot. Practice the recording just enough until you’ve memorized it and can recite it in a natural, conversational tone of voice.
  3. ADD VALUE. Value means telling your listener something you believe will inspire them, inform them, intrigue them, and/or enrich their day through your words. Aim to make them smile, ponder, or feel enlightened.

Try this:

“Hi, it’s Emily with SHIFT! Thanks for your call today. I’m likely in our All-Hands company meeting talking about our involvement in the upcoming event, Light City, starting on March 31st in Baltimore. It’s a six-day celebration, bringing together innovators and thought leaders in Baltimore and from across the nation. As soon as I’m available, I promise I will call back. And if you’re interested in learning more about Light City and my experience last year, make sure to ask me about it! Make it a great day!”

Start separating yourself and your brand in a unique way.  Voicemail is an essential touch point that should not be overlooked  as there is a good chance your clients/customers/partners will reach  your voicemail it at some point in your relationship with them, and when they do, I assure you this will impress them.   Send me a note, I would love to hear  what experience or feedback you receive from this simple, yet powerful change!

TOPICS: High Performance