Posts by Susie Landgren

May 5, 2016 Susie Landgren

4 Must-Do's When Searching for Your Next Dream Job

Job searching is exhausting. Words like “uncertainty,” “time-consuming,” “rejection,” and “fear” might come to mind for some when reflecting on the process as a whole. Some might approach this process with more excitement for...

May 5, 2016 Susie Landgren

5 Fastest Ways to Start Your Employee Referral Program

There are many tools out there to help to increase efficiency in a corporate recruiting department, but kick-ass employee referral programs are definitely at the top of my list. Prior to joining entreQuest, I worked as a...

May 5, 2016 Susie Landgren

7 Ways to Fight for Your Dream Job Right Out of College

Graduating from college comes with a whole range of emotions. But let’s be honest, the idea of joining the real world can be downright frightening. After-all, your entire life leads up to the moment when you finally get the...

May 5, 2016 Susie Landgren

8 Simplest Ways to Stop Holding Lackluster, Pointless, Waste-of-Time Interviews With Dream Candidates

In the modern and highly competitive, candidate-driven job market, it is more critical than ever for a company to evaluate and refine their interview process. This includes the experience your candidates have when interviewing.