Posts by Jessica Drew

May 5, 2016 Jessica Drew

See What's Trending on Glassdoor

How does your company use Glassdoor? At eQ we don’t have the Glassdoor tool all figured out quite yet, but we have a feeling we are on to something good. Glassdoor is a powerful tool that can be used to brand your business and...

May 5, 2016 Jessica Drew

Are you up for the challenge?

The waterfall of ice bucket challenges poured down your social media feeds, but did you ever hear the whole story? Peter Frates, a 29 year-old former Baseball Captain at Boston College was diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral...

May 5, 2016 Jessica Drew

Growing Your Talent Acquisition Team

Is there really a difference between a head hunter, recruiter, and talent acquisition manager? I’m quick to answer that YES, there is a difference! Technology has changed the path to employment through social media and data...

May 5, 2016 Jessica Drew

Where's Waldo?

Interviewing and trying to find the top talent in today’s market reminds me of the famous “Where’s Waldo” books, always trying to find the person who stands out from the crowd. As I’m sure you remember, each book contains various...