Insights and Strategies to Navigate the End-of-Year Scramble

Written by SHIFT | December 19, 2022


The end-of-year scramble is hitting people in different ways...

In general, we're seeing:

  • Employees who feel drained, swamped, and unable to take on one more thing

  • Leaders who are trying to support their teams but are anxious about lackluster business results

This reality is a lose-lose for employees and leaders alike.

Our Managing Partner Andrew Freedman cooked up a blog that hits on what leaders can do to get their organization out of this dark spiral.

What Leaders Are Thinking But Not Saying

Our CEO Joe Mechlinski went on a writing spree, and as a result, he published two articles that speak to difficult truths that most leaders are afraid to say out loud.

With employee expectations at all-time highs, it can be daunting for leaders to ask their people to earn the right to enjoy this new work landscape that promotes flexibility and freedom.

Yes, leaders still have to work on leading better, but what is the role of employees in shaping their work environment?

It's a two-way street, and unfortunately, a lot of leaders and employees are clashing or tip-toeing around critical conversations.

Dig into Joe's perspective and advice:

  1. "Is Hybrid Work a Right or Privilege?"

  2. "It's Never Been Harder to Get Teams on the Same Page"

Did Your Hear the Latest News?

The burnout topic isn't going anywhere fast. That's why we partnered up with Infinite Potential to research and publish The State of Workplace Burnout 2023 report.

The reason we should all care about burnout is because preventing and reducing burnout leads to thriving individuals, organizations, innovations, and societies.

Sadly, most don't really understand burnout. Burnout isn't just a bad day or feeling tired at the end of the week.

Here are the facts:

  • Burnout is a syndrome, not a disease or an illness. This differentiates burnout from depression, for example.

  • Burnout is not the fault of the individual, and it is not a sign of weakness or incompetence.

  • It happens gradually and can take months or years to develop.

  • No one is immune to burnout. It can happen to anyone, in any industry, at any level.

Want to create a powerful competitive advantage and drive long-term growth? Start by proactively identifying burnout and redesigning ways of working that put the well-being of your people first!

Learn all you need to know here – The State of Workplace Burnout 2023 Report

Who Can Relate?

As leaders, we've all been there... trying to navigate our way from one branch to the next. Sometimes our cat-like reflexes fail us, but we always land on our feet.

This year's winner of the Comedy Wildlife Photography award is the perfect reminder that even the strongest among us still misstep every now and then.

Give yourself some grace during your less-than-graceful moments.

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