How to Use the RESET Framework to Get from Where You Are Today to Where You Want to Be Tomorrow

Written by Andrew Freedman | May 5, 2016

You’ve likely heard this phrase before, and yet, it is interesting how many people still think and behave in a way that doesn’t serve their goals, aspirations, and intended impact.


• You have a business whose industry has gotten more and more competitive (sound familiar?)

• Your products themselves have become fairly commoditized

• You have a mature sales team, many of whom have been with the organization for over 15 years (double-edged sword here)

• New customer acquisition and new market growth is extremely slow – well below targets and the company need

• Sales leadership, and overall company leadership have been ineffective in bringing about the changes needed to get sales back on track

As you may imagine, there are many nuances to this story, and getting this hypothetical organization (or your own) back on track involves many key decisions, changes, and actions. These are exactly the situations we relish at SHIFT. What an opportunity to live our values by having massive impact for these types of clients.

Here’s the thing, though, while change may be hard, in situations like this, change does need to happen, or the outcome won’t be any different (think about that old definition of insanity you’ve heard before). Looking at our situation the same way, hoping a person will change or suddenly “get it,” or waiting for market conditions to shift are elements of a losing formula. Period. End of story.

Consider also the scenario painted above is one of a very troubled company (with massive potential!), the situation doesn’t have to be a doom-and-gloom one for this concept to apply. When things are going well, that is also a perfect time to reevaluate. The question to ask may not be “are we profitable?” or “are we doing well?” But, rather “how much more impact could we have?” or “is this the best we can do?”

Get out of your (and your organization’s) current pattern of thinking, so you can really live into your aspirations and vision. How? Following SHIFT's RESET framework can be a great place to start.

Recognize: Acknowledge that there is a need for change and new order, and commit to doing everything in your power to achieve more than the year before.

Expose: Uncover the core issues, obstacles, or limiting beliefs impeding your progress and success.

Surrender: Give into vulnerability and take full responsibility for every moment. This is the hardest step, but one that prompts greater awareness and power.

Empathize: Ensure those around you – who have helped you get to where you are and will be instrumental in your journey forward – feel validated and valued.

Terms and Timing: Establish new order and the timeline for achieving it. It could be as simple as making the same promise, but with greater intent.

You and your organization can be more, give more, do more and have more impact. Regardless of your role, it starts with you. Are you ready to grow regardless?

Are you ready to shift?

Start the practice yourself by downloading the worksheet. You'll also receive the option to work through the practice under the guidance of Joe Mechlinski, CEO of SHIFT and 2x bestselling author. During this recorded session, Joe investigates why people get off track and psychological tactics to keep them on their intended path (in business and life).

Download the RESET Proclamation.