How to Ask Yourself “What Makes It Worth It for Me?”

Written by Andrew Freedman | May 5, 2016


Great leaders know it isn’t about the answers they have, but rather the questions they ask.

Across the businesses with whom we’ve consulted, we’ve met some fantastic leaders, and we’ve also met some who weren’t so fantastic. A common thread among all of them, though, is that they all aspired to get better, to improve, to give more, and to evolve.

Let me paint one distinction for you: when I speak of the leaders we work with, sometimes, I’m referring to CEOs; sometimes, Vice Presidents; sometimes, the leaders are front-line managers; and, sometimes, the leaders are the front-line employees of the organization. This distinction is critical; leadership is not defined by the role or title, but rather by mindset and actions. While there are many characteristics, attributes, and skills that many leaders have in common, we’ve found that they all have a clear answer to the following question:

What makes it worth it for you?

Think about all of the challenges, stresses, obstacles, and unexpected curve balls that come your way every day. Consider how many times you hear people express one or more of the following sentiments:

That was out of my control

I can’t believe she …

Why do these things happen to me?

What am I supposed to do about it?

That isn’t my responsibility.

If only …

Are challenges real? You bet. Do unexpected obstacles happen? Of course. What separates great leaders from the rest is that they are crystal clear on WHY they do what they do. Call it purpose. Call is personal mission or vision. Whatever you want to call it, they know what makes it worth it; every second of every minute of every day. Regardless.

What would make it worth it for you? So simple, and also so powerful. Ask yourself this question. Ask your next interview candidate. Start your next meeting with this question. Ask this in your next 1:1 – regardless of whether you are the boss or the employee.

You’ll learn a ton about yourself, and also of those around you. You’ll know who is really in it to create impact, and who needs help getting more clarity on her journey forward. You’ll gain insights that drive your important lagging business indicators of revenue and profit.

Shift the level of engagement in your team.

Shift the connection between your business and your customers.

Open yourself to what really matters – to you.

Grow. Regardless.