Why the "Problem with Millenials" Has Nothing to Do With Millenials

Written by Andrew Freedman | May 5, 2016


You see, the problem with Millennials is... (feel free to insert the research that supports your current, favorite dig on this population). You know, things like: “they have a strong sense of entitlement,” or “they are lazy,” or “they think they should be paid a lot and work a little,” or “they just don’t have the same work ethic that I did when I graduated.”

Every generation has been characterized in some way, shape or form. I love reading the thoughts, theories, and research.

Want the real secret to connecting with Millennials (and any other generation), and having them as a productive part of your healthy and growing organization?

Just between you and me, here are three truths that will help you succeed with Millennials:

• Foster connections. Humans crave connection. Connection doesn’t manifest itself the same across all populations, but we all need it to nourish our souls, our spirits, and to make us feel a part of something bigger than ourselves. Millennials are no different, and so the opportunity here is for you and your team to really understand the value systems of the individual, and find ways that they can connect their values to your organization’s value system. If there is a lack of alignment, you might want to reconsider hiring the candidate, Millennial or not.

• Provide clarity. Millennials, like the rest of us, want clarity. This includes things like – what is it REALLY like to work here? How are decisions made? What do I need to do to ensure my voice is heard? How can I contribute? What is a realistic progression path? Without this kind of clarity and transparency, Millennials (and others) will, and likely should, leave your organization.

• Tell the truth! While the preferred media for communication may be different for Millennials than that of other generations, they still want to know the truth: about how they are performing, what it takes to get ahead, how the business is doing. And they want information in as close to real time as they can get it. This generation was born into an on-demand culture, and information is always at their fingertips. So, when organizations and leaders don’t provide consistent information and transparency, it makes sense that fear, uncertainty, and doubt result.

What’s the net-net here? The problem really isn’t about the Millennials, is it?

This is about YOU as a leader, and how you bring these three fundamental principles (and others, but these are key) to your environment and culture. Do it, live it, lead it, check for it, and you will find that you attract some of the best talent, Millennials and otherwise, on the market.