It’s Never Been Harder to Get Teams on the Same Page

Written by Joe Mechlinski | December 14, 2022

Does it feel harder to get your team rowing in the same direction these days?

Want to know why? Sure, burnout and overscheduling back-to-back meetings are partly to blame.

But the bigger issue is... (hint: it's not remote work)

Passive vs Active Consumption of information and media.

How many of us are guilty of mindlessly scrolling and skimming emails and messages?

(I'm raising my hand, who's with me?)

Or – it recently struck me while listening to an amazing book, Will to Change, on audio – how much of this am I going to remember because I am listening while doing something else?

Research points to a difference between passive and active listening and how it relates to the consumption of new information.

It says...

If you just read or skim the information, your retention is 10%.

If you hear and see something, this jumps to 50%.

But if you begin to actively engage and take notes, this skyrockets to 70%.

Yes, this is why we are nutty about getting people to take notes, but even we can do better.

Users experience 9 times greater retention by DOING – engaging and inviting active participation.

This is one of the reasons we built Latch.

It starts with a question. Engagement from step 1.

Then we feed people something to watch vs a flat email to read.

If we stopped there, the best we'd get is 30-50% information retention. Our team takes it a step further.

Following a pulse survey and video in the Latch platform, we ask two questions:

  1. What did you learn from that?
  2. What are you going to do to apply the learning?

That flow is key.

If you really want messages to stick and for people to "latch" on, you have to do things differently. Email, Slack, and Teams are interesting to share information, but the boat stops there.

Latch is an effective way to get folks to retain information and engage in this new remote work era. It's designed to help people start rowing in the same direction... together.

Change the protocol, change the results.

Welcome to Latch.