Better You, Better Us, Better All

Written by SHIFT | May 26, 2022


Are You Living By Design?

"Johns Hopkins estimates that 26% of the U.S. population is struggling with mental health right now."

That's why it's more important than ever that we lean into our SHIFT value of "Live by Design."

What does "Live by Design" mean to you?

For us, it means that you design your life with work being a part of it versus designing your life around your work.

In today's culture with the pressure to achieve, this can be a difficult feat, which is why our team takes two SHIFT You Days per year.

Tomorrow marks our first SHIFT You Day of the year. It's a dedicated day to reflect and recharge.

The words are easy to say, but taking action can prove more difficult.

In the spirit of leading by example, we want to share how we'll be living by design.

"I'm going to start my day with a long walk. I've been meaning to take one of those walks that last a few hours... no clear direction or purpose... just a long walk. From there, I'm going to play a little golf with a few friends. Most importantly, I'll be offline from my devices." – Joe

"I'm headed to the beach. I'm going to take a sunrise run on the beach. Just me and my thoughts, no watch, no headphones. The sound of the water and my feet hitting the sand to keep me company." – Jess

"I'm hoping to take my grandfather to get his tomato plants for the summer. It's something he looks forward to and keeps him busy all summer – and a ton of yummy tomato sandwiches for us! I love seeing him get excited and spending time with him. Brings me joy." – Whitney

Here's a challenge for you – Design next week by scheduling at least two things that spark joy for you. Allow everything else to fall into place.

Inspiration for Your Weekend

Whether you're looking to donate, rest, watch TV, or learn something new, here are some ideas to make the most of your weekend.

✨ Looking to make a Memorial Day donation?

Wounded Warrior Project is an incredible organization you can support to honor the fallen and help the wounded.

💤 The average American adult slept 7.9 hours a night in the 1940s. That has dropped to 6.8 hours a night.

Turns out that 1 in 3 American adults don't get enough sleep. Consider this a sign to get some well-deserved rest.

💕 Add "Love on the Spectrum U.S." to your watchlist. This romantic docuseries features people on the autism spectrum who are looking for love and navigating the changing world of dating. This show is guaranteed to give you butterflies.

🎙 Why should great brands repel as well as they attract? Tune into this episode of the Inevitable: The Future of Work podcast to learn what it takes to strike deep emotional chords with people.

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Shoutout to our teammates Julie Gelb, Misti Aaronson, Joe Mechlinski, Jess Greenwood, and Whitney Siders who helped bring this week's edition of Stories that SHIFT to life.