Snack Your Way to Powerful Performance

Written by Jess Manzo | March 28, 2017

Many office environments have snack foods available to their employees—sometimes, companies will occasionally provide a free lunch every now and then. Who doesn’t like free food during the work day?

There is something to be said about the psychology of FREE food. I know sometimes I tend to eat a little more than I normally would, simply because it’s FREE. Snacker, beware - your choices could potentially harm not only your waistline, but your productivity at work.

Please know that I am not a certified health coach or nutritionist. But through my own experience and choices, I am finding what I choose to put into my body throughout the day will directly affect my energy and performance.

To make sure you’re at peak performance, here are five energy-boosting foods to incorporate into your diet and five energy-draining food to avoid:.


  • Fresh Fruits: Could provide a quick pick-me-up when you're dragging and helps keep blood sugar levels steady because it's packed with fiber (which keeps you regular and your tummy happy).
  • Nuts: Cashews, almonds, and hazelnuts are high in magnesium, which plays a key role in converting sugar to energy. They're also filled with fiber to keep your blood sugar levels even and protein to stave off hunger.
  • Dark Chocolate: Natural stimulant theobromine, like caffeine, which boosts your energy and your mood.
  • Whole Grain Toast: Packed with the good kind of complex carbohydrates that your body converts into  the energy required to make your body go!
  • Cardamom: This spice is valued for its ability to increase energy.  Choose curry for lunch, or sip a cup of chai tea to beat the afternoon slump.

Eating fruits and vegetable throughout the day is not only simply good for the body—it’s also beneficial for the mind. The more fruits and vegetables people consumed; the happier, more engaged, and more creative people tended to be according to the study performed by British Journal of Health Psychology .


  • Bagels 
  • Specialty coffee drinks
  • Cereal
  • Soda

Foods, like bagels, cereal, and soda are packed full of refined carbohydrates or very high in glucose which will be released into your body rapidly after consumption. Yes, this will provide you will a boost of energy, but only lasting for a short period. Which then will result in a “crash” and your body will crave more of the similar foods, and feel deprived of sustainable energy. Consuming these types of food sparingly, would be the most beneficial for your body and mind.

Here at SHIFT, we strive to have a happy and balanced head, heart, and gut at work and at home. One of the main factors that affect these three things will be the fuel you put into your body. I hope this article could shift your mind set and be mindful of what foods you consume each day to help you make better choices and be a more balanced being and more productive at work.

Finally, to help you improve your food choices throughout your work day, below are a few companies and services that will deliver right to your office door:

  • Hungry Harvest: 40% of fresh produce goes to waste, as grocery stores often discard food that isn't perfectly shaped, consistently colored, or entirely smooth.  This company recovers fresh-farm produce that is perfectly delicious and safe to eat and delivers it right to your door.
  • Graze Boxes: Recieve a monthly hand-picked box, including selections based on your personal likes and dislikes that mixes healthy eating with exciting flavor combinations.
  • Love with Food: A monthly snack subscription service where you can order gluten-free, organic, or natural snacks.  The company donates a portion of proceeds to a local food bank with each subscription box purchased.
  • UrthBox: Provides monthly shipments full of all-natural, non-GMO, and organic full-size
    products from trustworthy brands perfect for your home, personal life or the office.
  • Healthy Surprise: Curates and finds products made with ingredients with integrity.  You can subscribe to monthly boxes full of healthy snack or healthy personal care products based on your personal preferences.
  • Galley: The Order Up for healthy meals.  Get freshly-made, all-natural meals delivered ready-to-eat, according to your schedule!

Happy and healthy snacking!