The Simplest Way to Get the Job That "Future You" Secretly Craves

Written by Emily Plahanski | May 11, 2016


If you want to make a change or spark growth, it must be a deliberate decision. All professional growth is deliberate. When it comes to advancing yourself at work, the typical approach often feels very linear. Once you master the current role you’re ready for the next role, but this approach is where we often get derailed.

I’m going to let you in on a little secret … if you are seeking a promotion you need to start doing the job/functions before you have the desired job.

It’s simple. But, critics to this may say, “How am I supposed to get the experience if I am not performing the job?” You need to invest in personal and professional development whileworking on your current job.

I am not suggesting you use your current company time frivolously. On the contrary, what I am suggesting is if you are looking for growth in your role, or outside of your role, start mapping what skills and behaviors you need to take over the duties you wish to manage. Take the time to discover and map out where you want to be, and what it will take for you to get there. And then, start taking action. Deliberate action.

Employers are looking for employees who have certain behaviors, motivators, and competencies prior to bringing you on the job, or even offering you a promotion. Which is why it’s important to get ahead of the curve. You have personal control over the success you have in your career. It starts with making professional development a priority each and every week. For example, join a local association that aligns you with smart and active people in your industry. This will give you an opportunity to gain deeper insight on how to start doing the job you want. Another suggestion is to take an online class on a skillset you wish to develop. Gaining additional skills will prepare you for the challenges of an expanded role.

For those of you already in leadership positions, you should always be talking about investing in your people. Make continuous learning and development a part of your culture. Encourage your employees to take time to grow themselves and be an example for those around you. When you make the time to invest in professional growth you directly impact your personal and professional development. Remember one of the facets of Grow Regardless: treat your employees like clients, and your clients like employees. In turn you become more invested, more intelligent, and more engaged.

If you are deliberate about your approach to career growth, you become a bigger player in your industry and within your area of expertise. But it doesn’t happen if you don’t start to work now for the job you want … it’s the simplest way to get the job future you wants.