5 Clues Your Boss is Phoning in Your Performance Review; and 3 Steps to Re-Engage Him

Written by Misti Aaronson | May 5, 2016

Performance reviews are the perfect opportunities for magic to happen. They're an occasion for employees to really reflect on their role and contribution to the organization. The review is also a time where employees have the chance to give feedback on what is working, what support they need, their interests, dreams, etc. Performance reviews can be a great time for people to reconnect and reset, allowing for an open opportunity to improve and course correct moving forward.

Very few things are worse than an employee all geared up and prepared for his performance review to find that the BOSS gave the performance review less than 3 minutes of thought. This happens all the time, bosses show up, check the box, do a little dance, and hope you don’t notice. If you are an employee…don’t let your boss get away with it. If you are a boss – step up.

Here are 5 clues that your boss isn’t prepared:

1. You haven’t heard anything from your boss about your review since your last review…1 year ago. Chances are your boss hasn’t thought about your review since last year, and your score is going to be based on his mood. Good luck.

2. He shows up late. This means that he didn’t prepare enough to get to the meeting on time.

3. The review lasts less than 30 minutes. This happens regularly in corporate America. Reviews are a check the box exercise that need a good paper trail and that’s it.

4. Your boss shows up empty handed and has no idea what your goals are.

5. Your boss forces you to give all of the feedback and assessments on yourself without adding his opinion. This is a sure sign that he hasn’t developed an opinion, and is hopeful to build off of yours.

If your boss is guilty as charged and hits 3 or more of these, he isn’t prepared for your review. The bad news is that this means more work for you. The good news is, this is your opportunity to ENGAGE your boss. For whatever reason, he’s lost interest in you (probably not personal); but, in the grand scheme of things this review is last on his list in terms of importance. While we completely disagree with this mindset, and believe that performance reviews are one of the MOST important activities for a boss and employee to go through – we see it all the time.

If you fall into the “my boss isn’t prepared for my performance review” category, some of the responsibility rests on you. You have to engage your boss – and here’s how:

1. Send him a self-evaluation about your performance seventy-two hours in advance. To receive a template for this, please email me at

2. Twenty-four hours before the performance review send him your goals, so that he has the most recent copy. And don’t forget to communicate your anticipation and excitement for the opportunity to get his feedback.

3. After the review, send a follow-up email recapping what you discussed.

Sometimes you have to manage up. Your career path is important – so take the reins. Don’t let a bad, unprepared, disengaged boss get in the way of your development (or bonus)!


Misti Aaronson is the Executive Vice President and a partner at entreQuest. She utilizes her talents and expertise from working with countless organizations to help businesses grow through expert talent acquisition, growth methodology and development of their teams.